Thursday 31 March 2016

Bodhi's birth story ( 28/01/2012 )

So, Bodhi is four years old and I've never written or filmed my birth story so I thought I'd type it all out as no doubt in years to come I will forget details, 

Thursday 26th January 2012 

35 weeks pregnant, full day at work with midwife appointment at 11am so I went from work, midwife has a student with her for my appointment ( nothing new think I had always had a student at my midwife ) but happy for them to learn, but then they also had a head midwife checking the normal one so that makes 3 midwifes, me and lumpy ( that's what we called bodhi as we didn't want to know the sex of bump ) heard the heart beat and bump was measured as it should but lumpy was still breech ( now lumpy had been breach from our 20 week scan ) they had no really worries about this as lumpy still had time to turn on its own and if at my next weeks appointment was still breech I would be sent to the hospital to have baby turned. They all had a good feel of bump, 3 women pushing and poking the bump and then I went back to work in the afternoon I feel really sore and lumpy wasn't happy with me and was moving and kicking me a lot !! 

Friday 27th January 2012 

Day off from work ( thankfully ) had a rubbish nights sleep due to lumpy moving and kicking me all night long. In the morning I had some dull back pain and feel really off. I was texting my friend and she told me to go have a bath and fake some paracetamol, well I spent most of the day in the bath with my back pain getting worse and what felt like period pains. When Chris got home from work at 5 he really wasn't happy with how rubbish I was feeling, I thought I was just in pain after a full week at work on my feet but I called the labour ward and asked them for some advice they told us to come in for a scan as they said it might be that lumpy has turned and is no longer breech. ( Yaye ) we got to the hospital at around 6:30 pm I just took my handbag ( I hadn't even packed my hospital bag by this point with still having a week left at work it was on my todo list once I'd started maternity leave ) once we arrived I was hooked up to the monitor and stayed on it for over 2 hours, by this point ( 8:30 pm ) I was in some real pain and asked for help. A doctor checked me down below but nothing was going on but the pain where coming every 5-8 minutes and lasting around 30 seconds at a time. I was kept in over night and was booked in for a scan 1st thing in the morning. Chris went home and I was taken up to the ward at around 11pm I was given some medicine to help me sleep and also a tooth brush and tooth paste along with a hospital gown.

3am 28th January 2012

I woke up with such a pain I thought the baby was coming right that second! I pushed my buzzer and a nurse helped me to the bathroom , after going I felt no better and the nurse sent for the doctor. Once again I was check but this time I was 3cm dilated!! ( I was very shocked ) but the then went to say that the baby was limbs down breech and was coming feet 1st. They phoned Chris and he rushed to the hospital. We are lucky that our hospital is only 10 minutes from our house, once he arrived we was given our options I could try to push the baby out with a very high chance that he would get stuck leading to me being cut or having to have a c-section. Or we could just choice the c-section. We went with the section and after a phone call to my work ( as I was due in for my shift at 2pm ) I was taken down to theatre , Chris got his scrubs on and we was good to go. At 11:44 am my beautiful baby boy was born via c-section and at 5 weeks early he weighed a good 6.5lb he was taken to be checked over and he was fine , Chris cut the cord and I got to have my 1st cuddle. 

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